Gadgets or Watches for your company anniversary?

Are you looking for a branded accessory for your customers celebrating the company or a product that can diffuse the corporate logo in an original promotional activity?
Intermedia Time is the watch factory that, to meet your needs, produces customized company anniversary watches with corporate logos.
To promote an anniversary or a significant event you will probably find yourself faced with a choice: propose a company gadget of little value or a product that represents the uniqueness of that company?
If you want an unmistakable gift, then you should consider the idea of a corporate anniversary wristwatch , a product that defies time while maintaining the memory of the event.
Choosing personalized watches you can add value to your customers' corporate communications and events with a precious object designed exclusively for them. All productions make use of expert hands and modern technology to create watches of the highest reliability and value while maintaining very low prices.
Intermedia Time SpA with almost thirty years of experience will be at your side from finding the right item, to customization and after-sales with its assistance centre.
Find out why you should celebrate your company anniversary giving a personalized wristwatch as a gift, call us at +39.0421.492.105 or contact us via email
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